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E.T.S.I. Informática.

Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 35. Campus de Teatinos.
Universidad de Málaga.
29071. Málaga (España).


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Junta de Andalucía Unión Europea

CHI 2010 Workshop

Cool aX Continents, Cultures and Communities

Date: Sunday 6th May 2012

Location: CHI2012 (Workshop W30)

Website: http://www.chici.org/cool2012

Call for Participation

Cool is perhaps the most coveted goal of design while also being the least well?understood and most elusive. This workshop builds upon previous work by the?authors in understanding and designing for cool. Current literature and work on?cool predominantly focuses on specific demographics of society without exploring?its broader application. This workshop aims to explore and discuss the notion of?cool and how it crosses the boundaries of continents, cultures and communities.?This workshop aims to gather a deeper understanding of the different facets and?contexts of cool, and whether cool as a concept can be globally defined.

Workshop Submissions

We are inviting contributions in the following areas:

  • theoretical understanding of cool
  • cool products
  • exploration of non-cool
  • design and evaluation of cool things
  • cultural differences within cool
  • cool in non-UK contexts
  • cool for old people
  • cool for people who really aren't cool

Submission Details

Authors are asked to submit a 4 page position paper in the CHI extended abstracts format to Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla by 1st February, 2012. A short biography of the author(s) attending the workshop needs to be included (100-150 words). If accepted, at least one author must register for the workshop and for at least one day of the conference. The Workshop organizers may decide to cap the number of attendees per accepted position paper. Papers will also be compiled on the workshop website. Attendees will be strongly encouraged to recruit a minimum of 12 (no maximum) people to populate and complete an on-line 'Cool Wall' prototype.


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