

Dpto. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación.
E.T.S.I. Informática.

Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 35. Campus de Teatinos.
Universidad de Málaga.
29071. Málaga (España).


Phone: +34 952 13 28 12

Fax: +34 952 13 13 97

Junta de Andalucía Unión Europea

The purpose of this project is developing a research on user and task modelling, and the implementation and evaluation of diagnosis methods for primary school. Our aim is to define, perform, support and monitor individual and collective learning tasks through computers and other technological devices by means of different techniques derived from Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Modelling and the design of pedagogical resources and materials.

This project is focused on determining how information and communication technologies enable the creation and management of innovative educational environments leading to the improvement of individual learning processes and, at the same time, fostering the integration of schoolchildren in their social environment both at micro (classroom and school) and macro (the Andalusian society they live in) levels.

For project development, we are currently considering the definition of a set of technological elements meant to help students and teachers, functioning as any other classroom tool and, therefore, supporting the learning process. Research is focused on modelling learning processes by means of Artificial Intelligence, which allows inferring different situations automatically, intervening and improving schoolchildren’ academic performance and, in general, fostering their personal and social development.



collaboration, multiculturality, task modelling, user modelling, childhood education


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