
Dpto. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación.
E.T.S.I. Informática.

Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 35. Campus de Teatinos.
Universidad de Málaga.
29071. Málaga (España).


Phone: +34 952 13 28 12

Fax: +34 952 13 13 97

Junta de Andalucía Unión Europea



LEO is a system aimed at supporting and enhancing the teacher’s pre-reading and reading learning tasks with preschool students within a multicultural framework. LEO is based on a phonetic method, particularly the method “Letrilandia” was developed with (Usero, 2004), and allows quick and simple creation of sets of different kinds of activities and exercises (letters, syllables, words and sentences).



The system is provided with rich multimedia resources (audio, video, graphs, draws, blackboards, etc.), thus enabling a dynamic and enjoyable environment which fosters schoolchildren’s learning. The activities can be completed through many technological devices such as PCs, tablet PCs or tactile screens.

LEO was designed to foster individual and group work in the classroom, thus fostering interactions among schoolchildren by means of cooperative group work. Thus, apart from developing particular specific knowledge, schoolchildren’s learning is also related to social relations.








Project report

Project presentation


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